28 September 2021 | Blog In the UNESCO list of World Heritage there are over 1100 properties, 50 of them are marine and coastal sites. These sites have a variety of habitats, unique marine life, outstanding ecosystems, and iconic biodiversity. These sites are safeguarding the cultural, natural and marine heritage for future generations. Cooperation of […]
13 August 2021 | Blog Coastal and maritime locations are the biggest attractive factor in European tourism. South Ostrobothnia region is a land locked area, which is within one to two hours driving distance from the coastline. ‘Hospitable South Ostrobothnia’, the tourism development strategy for the region covering 2020-2028, highlights sustainability and responsibility as well
20 May 2021 | Blog There is no sun without a shadow and vice versa. The pressure of epidemiological safety restrictions has created quite doom view in regards of coastal tourism in the bigger resorts and mass tourism destinations in Latvia. However, many coastal tourism companies in periphery, probably, experienced the best year in the
11 May 2021 | Blog The importance of tourism and recreation is deeply woven into society. The sector contributes to the success of other sectors and to a variety societal challenges (quality of life, happiness, inclusion, etc.). As our society is changing, so is the tourism sector, both before and during the pandemic. These changes
12 April 2021 | Blog There has been a major shift in human behaviour and mentality in terms of sustainable thinking and acting. The principles of sustainability are more topical in tourism than ever before, and it seems that they are naturally implemented into every development and service provided. Environmental awareness is growing among visitors
12 March 2021 | Blog ‘Rip of Ireland’ a familiar term uttered by domestic holidaymakers. A repetition of negativity that focuses on price over value, and doesn’t always compare like-for-like, is a growing concern for tourism providers in traditional busy tourist destinations. Tourism businesses in Ireland have been advised to plan on the basis that
18 February 2021 | Blog Text: Jaana Ruoho Photo: Jacek Dylag Fishing ports and seaside villages started to develop into seaside resorts during the industrial revolution in the latter half of the 18th century. People travelled to these coastal destinations mainly for health reasons. Names of these seaside resorts are familiar to many: Scarborough, Brighton
1 April 2020 | Blog SAMK menestyi Erasmus+ -ohjelman strategisten kumppanuushankkeiden haussa kevään 2020 hakukierroksella. SAMKin matkailuliiketoiminnan tutkimusryhmän hanke merellisen matkailun osaamisen kehittämiseksi hyväksyttiin rahoitettavaksi. Kyseessä on ensimmäinen SAMKin koordinoima Erasmus+ kumppaanuushanke. Erasmus+ kumppanuushankkeet ovat tuloksellinen väylä korkeakouluopetuksen uudistamiseen. Kyseinen hanke Sector-specific skills development in coastal and maritime tourism (Skills4CMT) tähtää matkailukoulutuksen laadun ja digitalisaation