IO1: Occupational profiles
Occupational profiles corresponding the EQF levels 6 and 7 are designed with a complete description of the knowledge, skills and competencies to increase understanding of the needed sector-specific skills and qualifications and to tackle skills gaps and mismatches. These occupational profiles are a significant tool in curriculum and course design: they are translated into a new curriculum and courses in the following phase of the project.
IO2: Curriculum of coastal and maritime tourism
This output is about designing a learning outcomes-oriented curriculum with the content of a flexible and modular course design to strengthen the strategic and structured cooperation of HEIs in the offering of CMT education. The thematic curriculum of coastal and maritime tourism (20 ECTS credits) including its profile and four courses (each of 5 ECTS credits) is designed, since the CMT sector needs people with the right skills and qualifications to grow, increase its competitiveness and take advantage of new opportunities.
IO3: eLearning opportunities and Open Educational Resources (OER)
This output is about curriculum delivery by designing and piloting eLearning opportunities and Open Educational Resources (OER). The output supports HEIs in taking up of digital technologies and innovative and open pedagogies. The output increases integrated use of ICTs in the partner universities, digital competencies of educators and virtual mobility of students as well as the development and use of open educational resources. The new curriculum with a flexible and modular course design will be delivered online during and after the project providing eLearning opportunities and OER.